Let’s talk about career.
In this blog I’m going to talk about career. But career this word sounds like money , wealth , job. but career is not only about money & wealth . it is also very important for our career to choose a career which is closely related with our personality and psychological thinking.
let’s talk about career’s related some mention points :-
Positive career
Negative career
Voice of mind career
Voice of mind career
Decision for our career
1: Positive career
Positive career refers to our way of thinking positive like when some difficult situations or circumstances we can think positive and do our best to face those problem . But at positivity for career is like our mind , heart is totally positive about those career which we can pursue. Career is all about positivity when we talk about career that we can suddenly think about our dream career like doctor , engineer , piolet , airhostess , C.A , or other our dreams but the main point is when we work on our dreams it is totally depends that how could we can work on them. So, it is very important to involve our thinking and actions on our career.
it is very important to have an positive mentality for our career as well. because a positive thinking developed a whole thing as well whole world .
It is our decision to choose those career which is related to our personality as well as our thinking & thoughts & work hard on them with consistently.
2: Negative career
Negative words sounds like anxiety , fear , or feels bad . But if we can observe it with a positive way then we cannot does a bad or wrong thing our career . in simple words if we have an positive mindset for our career then no one can try to spread negative thinking for our decided career. Because if we are positive then no one have dare to spread negativity in our mind.
some of the people trying to spread negative rumour because of their low mentality .
When a career option which we can pursue have a lot of scope and we are also good in it . But some people are try to make our mind divert that we cannot do those thing but we cannot do those what they said to us . In this situation , we need to focus on those thing which is good for us & what our heart is said & agree to do .
because friends, if our heart is not agree to do or to purse those career which we cannot agree on it then don’t purse those career Do what your heart & mind says .
3: Voice of mind career
Our mind & heart both are closely related with each other because . what they said our body is do but when its come to our career & future it is not the thing that our mind said but what is good for our career is matter. So when we trying to pursue a career it is important to select a career option which is closely related with our interest and related to our skills because its matter a lot. But guys, also remember that our heart doesn’t tell lies with us so also listen to our heart that what you actually want for our future as well as career.
4: Voice of heart career
Friends you can observe that sometimes our mind doesn’t work to take decision quickly but at that time our heart help us to take those decision which is good for us. in these manner it is also very important to listen the voice of your heart that what’s actually you want to do in your future think about your decided career option deeply plus also listen that what’s your heart wants its give you satisfaction after sometimes and you can secure from after regret.
Because guys regret is very bad and worst feeling in the world , So cannot do those thing which we will be feel regret about later .
5: Decision for our career
The decision for our career is ours not others for us. so what our mind + heart says do’s those thing . do what you want not what’s other wants because the worker of your dream is you not other people . So, take decision from your willingness not other’s . It is completely depends on us to choose those career or future option which we are agree to do .
In this blog I’m trying to tell you that our decision for our career is very important because it is a thing when we decide not a very little but very big & important thing for our life , Friends hope you all learn from my these blog and I’m always trying to make useful and helpful blogs for you which can helped you to progress in your growth…